Using implicit functions,
وباستخدام الدوال الضمنية،
That's not unique to people who are adopted but it is particularly strong in them because of this function of implicit memory.
عندما يستشعرون بأنهم مرفوضون .من الآخرين هذا ليس مقصوراً فقط على من تم
The Guide needs to be very clear on this point, in its terminology, in the definition of the key objectives and in the basic approach to security issues, rather than making an implicit assumption that a functional approach should be adopted, without proper explanation.
ويجب أن يكون الدليل شديد الوضوح في هذه الناحية في مصطلحاته وفي تعريف الأهداف الرئيسية وفي النهج الأساسي ازاء مسائل الضمان، عوضا عن الافتراض ضمنا أنه ينبغي اعتماد نهج وظيفي، دون تعليل وجيه.
Their emotional or implicit memories are those of a world that's not safe and not helpful; caregivers who were not to be trusted and relationships that are not safe enough to open up to vulnerability and hence their responses tend to be to keep themselves separate from really intimate relationships; not to trust caregivers doctors and other people who are trying to help them and generally see the world as an unsafe place... and that is strictly a function of implicit memory which sometimes has to do with incidents they don't even recall.
لسوء معاملة كبيرة وهم أطفال .أو عانوا من فقدان عاطفي حاد أحاسيسهم أو ذكرياتهم الدفينة