I would also like to offer the incoming President, Harri Holkeri, my best wishes upon your assumption of this high office.
كما أود أن أتقدم بأطيب تمنياتي للرئيس الجديد، السيد هاري هولكيري، بمناسبة تقلده مهام منصبه الرفيع.
Knock it right out of the park. ~ Sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~ ~- One - The way you hold my hand ~ ~ - Two - Your laughing eyes ~ ~ - Three - The way you understand ~ ~ - Four - Your secret sighs ~ ~ They're all part ~ ~ of sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I... love you ~ ~ - Five - The way you comb your hair ~ ~ - Six - Your freckled nose ~ ~ - Seven - The way you say you care ~ ~ - Eight - Your crazy clothes ~ ~ That's just half of sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~ ~ - Nine - Snuggling in the car ~ ~ - Ten - Your wish upon a star ~ ~ - Eleven - Whispering on the phone ~ ~ - Twelve - Your kiss when we're alone ~ ~ - Thirteen - The way you thrill my heart ~ ~ - Fourteen - Your voice so neat ~ ~ - Fifteen - You say we'll never part ~ ~ - Sixteen - Our love's complete ~ ~ Those are all ~ ~ the sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~ ~ Sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~
بنا إليه ... ستة عشر سبباً أحبك بسببهم
Knock it right out of the park. ~ Sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~ ~- One - The way you hold my hand ~ ~ - Two - Your laughing eyes ~ ~ - Three - The way you understand ~ ~ - Four - Your secret sighs ~ ~ They're all part ~ ~ of sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I... love you ~ ~ - Five - The way you comb your hair ~ ~ - Six - Your freckled nose ~ ~ - Seven - The way you say you care ~ ~ - Eight - Your crazy clothes ~ ~ That's just half of sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~ ~ - Nine - Snuggling in the car ~ ~ - Ten - Your wish upon a star ~ ~ - Eleven - Whispering on the phone ~ ~ - Twelve - Your kiss when we're alone ~ ~ - Thirteen - The way you thrill my heart ~ ~ - Fourteen - Your voice so neat ~ ~ - Fifteen - You say we'll never part ~ ~ - Sixteen - Our love's complete ~ ~ Those are all ~ ~ the sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~ ~ Sixteen reasons ~ ~ why I ~ ~ love you ~
بنا إليه ... ستة عشر سبباً أحبك بسببهم