untruthfully {feelings & emotions}
The staff member untruthfully claimed that she would invest and repay the money at a monthly interest rate of 20 per cent.
وادَّعت الموظفة كذبا أنها ستستثمر المال لترده بسعر فائدة شهري يبلغ نسبة 20 في المائة.
And do not eat up your riches among yourselves untruthfully and do not proffer them to the judges, that you may viciously eat up some (i.e. a portion; literally a group) of other men`s riches, (while) you know (it).
ولا تأكلوا أموالكم بينكم بالباطل وتدلوا بها إلى الحكام لتأكلوا فريقا من أموال الناس بالإثم وأنتم تعلمون
Surely (the ones) who disbelieve in the signs of Allah, and kill the Prophets untruthfully, and kill the ones of mankind who command for equity, then give them the tidings (Literally: the good tidings) of a painful torment.
إن الذين يكفرون بآيات الله ويقتلون النبيين بغير حقّ ويقتلون الذين يأمرون بالقسط من الناس فبشرهم بعذاب أليم
O you who have believed, do not eat (up) your riches among you untruthfully, except there be commerce by your mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (i.e. kill one another). Surely Allah has been Ever-Merciful to you.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تأكلوا أموالكم بينكم بالباطل إلا أن تكون تجارة عن تراض منكم ولا تقتلوا أنفسكم إن الله كان بكم رحيما
And for their taking riba, (Usury and other tyoes of unlawful) and they were already forbidden it, and eating (up) the riches of mankind untruthfully; (Literally: with untruth) and We have readied for the disbelievers among them a painful torment.
وأخذهم الربا وقد نهوا عنه وأكلهم أموال الناس بالباطل وأعتدنا للكافرين منهم عذابا أليما
And he, always he, and his hosts waxed proud in the land, untruthfully (Literally: with other than the truth) and they surmised that they would not be returned to Us.
واستكبر هو وجنوده في الأرض بغير الحق وظنوا أنهم إلينا لا يرجعون
And in no way have We created the heaven and the earth and whatever is between them untruthfully. That is the surmise of the ones who have disbelieved. So woe to the ones who have disbelieved, from the Fire!
وما خلقنا السماء والأرض وما بينهما باطلا ذلك ظن الذين كفروا فويل للذين كفروا من النار
That is (due to the fact) that you used to exult in the earth untruthfully, (Literally: without the truth) and (due to the fact) that you used to live in merriment.
ذلكم بما كنتم تفرحون في الأرض بغير الحق وبما كنتم تمرحون
Surely the way (of blame) is only against the ones who do injustice to mankind and act inequitably in the earth untruthfully; (Literally: with other than the Truth) those will have a painful torment.
إنما السبيل على الذين يظلمون الناس ويبغون في الأرض بغير الحق أولئك لهم عذاب أليم
Indeed Allah has already heard the saying of the ones who said, "Surely Allah is poor and we are rich." We will write down what they have said, and their killing of the Prophesiers (i.e., the prophets) untruthfully, (i.e. without right) and We will say, "Taste the torment of the burning."
لقد سمع الله قول الذين قالوا إن الله فقير ونحن أغنياء سنكتب ما قالوا وقتلهم الأنبياء بغير حقّ ونقول ذوقوا عذاب الحريق