All right, husting and me are going.
حسناً , أنا و هيوستينغ سنذهب
You're a rea huster. bet your pappy sends you out husting... ...whie he stays home taking a siesta.
اراهنك ان والدك يرسلك للعمل بينما يجلس فى المنزل ياكل سيستا
Coffsnot, you were ignominiously trounced at the hustings in November's election by your worthy challenger, a Republican.
في انتخابات شهر تشرين الثاني من قبل منافسك الجدير الجمهوري
- Well, I felt... - Never mind. Coff snot, you were ignominiously trounced at the hustings in November's election by your worthy challenger, a Republican.
... حسناً , أنا - لا عليكَ , كبداية أنت تمت معاقبتكَ بسبب إنضمامك للحفلة -
We, know, know, but not ike me. mean, reay on my own. 've had to con and pitch, huste my way into whatever am now. don't even know where that is.
حسنا اعرف اعرف لكن ليس مثلى، لقد كنت وحيدا حقا لقد كان يجب ان اكافح و اصارع، لكى اصل لما وصلت اليه حتى الان لا اعرف الى اين وصلت