- What about candleholders? - Too romantic.
ماذا عن الشمعدانات؟ - شاعرية للغاية -
Look, you know I adore you all ♪ ♪ Emma, Emma, I give you ♪ But why watch me die like Eliza on the ice? ♪ ♪ The rest of my life ♪ But perhaps I'll collapse in the apse right before you all ♪ ♪ To cherish and to keep you ♪ So take back the cake, burn the shoes and boil the rice ♪ ♪ To honor you forever ♪ Look, I didn't want to have to tell you, but I may be coming ♪ ♪ Down with hepatitis and I think I'm gonna faint ♪ ♪ So if you want to see me faint ♪ ♪ I'll do it happily, but wouldn't it be funnier to go ♪ ♪ And watch a funeral, so thank you for ♪ ♪ My adorable wife ♪ The 27 dinner plates, 37 butter knives ♪ ♪ 47 paperweights, 57 candleholders ♪ ♪ One more thing ♪ I'm not getting married ♪ Softly say ♪ But I'm not getting married ♪ With this ring ♪ Still I'm not getting married ♪ ♪ I thee wed ♪ See, I'm not getting married ♪ Let us pray that we are getting married today! ♪
* إذهبي، هل تستطيعين الرحيل؟، أنظر، أنت تعرف أني أحبكم جميعاً * - * إيما)، (إيما)، أنا أعطيكِ) * * لكن لماذا مشاهدتي أموت كـ(إليزا) على الثلج * - * بقية حياتي * - * لكن ربّما سوف أنهار في المذبح قبلكم جميعاً * - * لأعززك وأعتني بك * -