It believes that the writing of entries in identity documents in the state language does not deny in any way the right of members of national minorities the right to enjoy their own culture or to use their own language, including writing their names and family names in any language as long as it is not linked with the sphere of the use of the state language as an official language, which is clearly regulated by the 1995 Law on the State language.
3-1 يدعي صاحب البلاغ أن الاشتراطات القانونية لتهجئة اسمه باللغة الليتوانية في الوثائق الرسمية تتغاضى عن عنصر ضروري من عناصر هويته وتشكل انتهاكاً لحقوقه بموجب المادة 17، مقروءة بمفردها ومقترنة بالمواد 2 و26 و27 من العهد.