songster [pl. songsters] , {arts}
مغن {المُغَنّي}
And so was Ape, because they had all come to see the swinging songster perform.
ووكذلك القرد لأن الجميع جاؤوا لرُؤية المطرب المتأرجح يغني
We forget how largely these songsters or their eggs or their nestlings are destroyed by birds and beasts of prey.
لقد نسينا كم من هؤلاء المغردون او بيضهم قد فقد وتدمر بطيور وحشرات افترستهم.
We forget how largely these songsters or their eggs or their nestlings are destroyed by birds and beasts of prey.
نحن نتغاضى عن كيف أن هذة الطيور ..المغردة الجميلة أو صغارها أو بيضها .دمروا بالحيوانات والطيور الجارحة
He's my Uncle Petey. you all saw him as... a mellow island songster... and a resort owner, but... how many of you knew that he- he was afraid of dogs... and that his favorite spice was rosemary?.
هو عمّي بيتي . . .أنتم جميعا رأيتمه ك . . .مطرب الجزيرة
He's my Uncle Petey. you all saw him as... a mellow island songster... and a resort owner, but... how many of you knew that he- he was afraid of dogs... and that his favorite spice was rosemary?.
هو عمّي بيتي . . .أنتم جميعا رأيتمه ك . . .مطرب الجزيرة
شادٍ ، مُطرب