sculpture [pl. sculptures] , {arts}
What sculpture?
أى تمثال ؟
"I bought another sculpture."
"لقد اشتريت تمثالاً جديداً"
Careful! That's my sculpture.
.إنتبه! ذاك تمثالي
Where's the fourth sculpture?
أين التمثال الرابع؟
Melt his ice sculpture!
!أذيبوا هذا التمثال
"Sculpture and Aesthetics.
"نحت وعلم جمال.
"Sculpture and Aesthetics."
"نحت وعلم جمال.
"Sculpture and Aesthetics.
"النحت وعلم الجمال"
Mm... It's a... sculpture.
إنه تمثال ... -
It's still a sculpture.
يبقى انه نحت
حفر ، نبش ، لوّن ، لمّع ، نمّق ، زخرفة ، رقش ، وشي