Thus the contract may provide for the opening of a letter of credit, the establishment of security or of a bank guarantee, or the acceptance of a bill of exchange.
وبالتالي يمكن أن ينصّ العقد على فتح خطاب اعتماد، أو تحديد ضمانة أو كفالة مصرفيّة، أو قبول كمبيالة.
This prohibition does not affect the husband because, at the time when the theory of restrictions to the actions of spouses was developed, he was responsible for administering the couple's property and because his professional activity outside the household obviously implies obtaining credit and it would be very embarrassing forcing him to get his wife's authorization or consent every time he had to sign a credit opening contract, accept a bill of exchange, issue a trade bill or a promissory note.
البرازيل، وزارة التعليم، معايير المنهاج الدراسي الوطني: الدورتان الثالثة والرابعة من التعليم الأساسي، مدينة البرازيل، وزارة التعليم عام 1998.