It underscores the importance of supervisory and management board disclosure, the executive structure of the company and dividend policies, and seeks to improve disclosure on control and related party transactions.
فهو يؤكد أهمية كشف هيئة الإشراف ومجلس الإدارة عن البيانات، والهيكل التنفيذي للشركة وسياسات توزيع عائدات الأسهم، ويسعى لتحسين كشف عمليات المراقبة وعمليات الأطراف المتصلة بذلك.
(e) Required disclosures, including information on average number of employees, staff costs, dividends, accounting policies, off-balance-sheet arrangements, and share capital.
(ﻫ) المعلومات المطلوب كشفها، بما في ذلك المعلومات بشأن متوسط عدد الموظفين، وتكاليف الموظفين، وأرباح الأسهم، والسياسات المحاسبية، والترتيبات الخارجة عن الميزانية، ورأس مال الأسهم.
The impact of capital market derivatives The determination of equity prices - The effect of dividend policies on financial needs and the formulation of dividend policies Bank finance: the various forms of short-, medium- and long-term finance that are available, including leasing arrangements Trade credit Government sources: grants, local, regional and national aid schemes, tax incentives, etc. Venture capital and financial sources particularly suited to the small enterprise International money and capital markets, including banking and the financing of foreign trade Determining the requirements for financing (how much, for how long, and for what purpose) in relation to an enterprise's operational and strategic objectives; the importance of the choice of capital structure to an organization Financial and actuarial mathematics Calculating financial gearing and other key financial ratios and analyzing their significance to the organization Negotiating term loans with banks and other financial institutions Micro credit programs to finance development in rural areas
(ط) تحديد شروط التمويل (المبلغ والمدة والغرض) فيما يخص الأهداف التشغيلية والاستراتيجية للمؤسسة؛ وأهمية اختيار هيكل رأس المال بالنسبة للمؤسسة