sober [ soberer/more sober ; soberest/most sober ]
awake [ more awake ; most awake]
clear [ clearer ; clearest]
صاحٍ {الصّاحِي}
cloudless [ more cloudless ; most cloudless]
صاحٍ {الصّاحِي}
wakeful [ more wakeful ; most wakeful]
to call [ called ; called ]
to exclaim {sounds}, [ exclaimed ; exclaimed ]
to bawl [ bawled ; bawled ]
to yell [ yelled ; yelled ]
to yelp [ yelped ; yelped ]
to whoop {sounds}, [ whooped ; whooped ]
to vociferate [ vociferated ; vociferated ]
to cry [ cried ; cried ]
to holler {sounds}, [ hollered ; hollered ]
to scream {sounds}, [ screamed ; screamed ]
to screech {sounds}, [ screeched ; screeched ]
to meow {sounds}
to mew {sounds}
to miaow {sounds}
to shriek {sounds}