to link
وَصَلَ {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْء}
to access [ accessed ; accessed ]
to interface [ interfaced ; interfaced ]
to joint [pl. joints]
وصل {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْء}
to reach [ reached ; reached ]
وصل {إلى}
to connect {relations}, [ connected ; connected ]
وصل {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْء}
to join [pl. joins] , {relations}
وصل {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْء}
to arrive [ arrived ; arrived ]
connection [pl. connections]
receipt [pl. receipts]
وصل {بِالاسْتِلام}
linkage [pl. linkages]
coupling [pl. couplings]
voucher [pl. vouchers]
وصل {بِالاسْتِلام}
وصل {بِالاسْتِلام}