goal {econ.}
هدف {رِيَاضَة بَدَنِيَّة}، {اقتصاد}
objective [ more objective ; most objective ] , {sport}
الهدف {رياضة}
goal [pl. goals] , {sport}
هدف {رِيَاضَة بَدَنِيَّة}، {رياضة}
objective [pl. objectives] , {feelings & emotions}, Sing., {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
target [pl. targets] , {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
purpose [pl. purposes] , {relations}, {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
project {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
object [pl. objects] , {ive}, {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
scope [pl. scopes] , {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
design {relations}, {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
intention {relations}, {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
scheme {relations}, {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
score {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
ideal [pl. ideals] , {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
sake {relations}, {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
tendency [pl. tendencies] , {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
goal {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
course {sport}
هَدَف {رياضة}
intent {ion}
to approach {sport}
هدف {رياضة}
to intend {sport}
هَدَفَ {رياضة}