fort [pl. forts] , {mil.}
حصن {جيش}
fortress [pl. fortresses] , {mil.}
حصن {جيش}
keep [pl. keeps]
hold [pl. holds]
citadel [pl. citadels] , {hist.}
حصن {تاريخ}
castle [pl. castles]
garrison [pl. garrisons]
bulwark [pl. bulwarks]
bastion {mil.}
حِصْن {جيش}
tower [pl. towers]
blockhouse [pl. blockhouses] , {mil.}
حصن {جيش}
stallions [sing. a stallion]
stronghold [pl. strongholds] , {mil.}
حصن {جيش}
fortification [pl. fortifications]
barricade [ barricaded ; barricaded ]
sconce [pl. sconces]
casbah [pl. casbahs]
Kremlin [pl. kremlins] , {pol.}
حصن {سياسة}
redoubt [pl. redoubts] , {mil.}
حصن {جيش}
to fortify [ fortified ; fortified ]
حصن {المَكَانَ}
to embattle [ embattled ; embattled ]
to entrench [ entrenched ; entrenched ]
حصن {المَكَانَ}
to immunize [ immunized ; immunized ]
حصن {ضِدّ المَرَضِ إلخ}
to reinforce [ reinforced ; reinforced ]
bulwark {mil.}
حِصْن {جيش}