to square {with}, {math.}
اِتَّفَقَ {مَع}، {رياضيات}
to accord {with}
to happen {accidentally}
to harmonize {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be consistent {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to conform {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to adjust {to}
to conclude an agreement {a contract, treaty, etc.}
to chance [ chanced ; chanced ]
to coincide {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to correspond {with or to}
اتفق {مَع}
to tune {with}
to come to an agreement {reach, bring about}
to match
اتفق {مَع}
to suit
اتفق {مَع}
to tally {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be in conformity {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be compatible {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be suitable {for}
اتفق {مَع}
to be in agreement {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be harmonious {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be in harmony {with}
اتفق {مَع}
to be in accord {ance}
اتفق {مَع}