to enthrone [ enthroned ; enthroned ]
توج {شَخْصاً}
to coronate [ coronated ; coronated ]
to surmount [ surmounted ; surmounted ]
to crown
توج {شَخْصًا}
to cap
تَوَّجَ {شَيْئًا}
to top
توج {شَيْئاً}
relevante Treffer
ähnliche Treffer
to borne (v.)
to agonize (v.)
to face (v.) , [ faced ; faced ]
anguish (n.) , [pl. anguishes]
to take to (v.)
orientation (n.) , [pl. orientations]
to steer (v.)
to dread (v.)
sentiment (n.) , {Comp}
التوجه {كمبيوتر}
to bore (v.)
to suffer (v.) , {pain}, [ suffered ; suffered ]