happiness {feelings & emotions}
airiness {feelings & emotions}
cheer {feelings & emotions}
cheerfulness {feelings & emotions}
content {feelings & emotions}
joyful {feelings & emotions}
exulting {feelings & emotions}
exultant {feelings & emotions}
worst [ worse ; worst ]
cheerful {feelings & emotions}, [ more cheerful ; most cheerful]
gay [ gayer/more gay ; gayest/most gay]
glad {feelings & emotions}, [ gladder ; gladdest]
gleeful {feelings & emotions}, [ more gleeful ; most gleeful]
merry {feelings & emotions}, [ merrier ; merriest]
blithe {feelings & emotions}
cheery {feelings & emotions}
lively {feelings & emotions}
chirpy {feelings & emotions}
coltish {feelings & emotions}
to exult {feelings & emotions}
to label [ labelled / labeled ; labelled / labeled {Am.} ]