stead [pl. steads]
stead [pl. steads]
stead [pl. steads] , {econ.}
فائدة {اقتصاد}
stead {relations}
stead [pl. steads]
stead {relations}
Benzer Sonuçlar
steady (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ steadier ; steadiest ]
steads (n.) , [sing. stead]
to steady (v.) , {relations}
steady (adj.) , [ steadier ; steadiest]
steady (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ steadier ; steadiest ] , {account.}
راسخ {محاسبة}
to steady (v.) , {relations}
steady (adj.) , {account.}
راسٍ {محاسبة}
steady (adj.) , [ steadier ; steadiest]
steady (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ steadier ; steadiest ] , {account.}
ثابت {محاسبة}
to steady (v.) , {relations}
steadier (adj.) , [ steadier ; steadiest ]
steading {econ.}
مزرعة {اقتصاد}
steadily (adv.) , {relations}
steadfast (adj.) , {account.}