innocent murmur {functional murmur}, {med.}
نَفْخَةٌ بَريْئَة {نَفْخَةٌ وَظيفِيَّة}، {طب}
İlgili Sonuçlar
innocent (adj.) , {law}
innocent (adj.)
innocent {med.}
سَليم {طب}
innocent (adj.) , [ more innocent ; most innocent ] , {law}
بريء {قانون}
innocent (adj.) , [ more innocent ; most innocent]
innocent (adj.) , [ more innocent ; most innocent]
innocent (adj.) , [ more innocent ; most innocent]
innocent {med.}
حَميد {طب}
innocent tumor {benign tumor}, {med.}
وَرَمٌ بَرِيْء {وَرَمٌ حَميد}، {طب}
to be declared or found innocent (v.) , {guiltless, not guilty}
to be declared or found innocent (v.) , {guiltless, not guilty}