to give hope {to}
to give hope {to}
İlgili Sonuçlar
to give up hope (v.) , {of}
to give up hope (v.) , {of}
to give up hope (v.) , {of}
أيس {مِن}
to give reason to hope (v.) , {someone}
to give reason to hope for (v.) , {someone}
منى {بِـ}
to hope (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
hope (n.)
to hope (v.)
hope (n.) , {lang.}
الترجي {لغة}
to hope (v.) , {for}
to hope (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
تطلع {إلى}
to hope (v.) , {for}
to hope (v.) , {for}
to hope (v.) , {for}
to hope (v.)