block diagram {Eng.}
نهج مبسط {هندسة}
İlgili Sonuçlar
plain (adj.) , [ plainer ; plainest]
popular (adj.) , [ more popular ; most popular]
simplified (adj.) , [ more simplified ; most simplified ] , {account.}
مبسط {محاسبة}
uncomplicated (adj.) , {account.}
مُبَسَّط {محاسبة}
easy (adj.) , {account.}
مُبَسَّط {محاسبة}
cushy (adj.)
simple (adj.) , {account.}
مُبَسَّط {محاسبة}
simplifier (n.) , [pl. simplifiers]
stereotypical (adj.) , [ more stereotypical ; most stereotypical ]
flat-sieve {ind.}
منخل مبسط {صناعة}
expanded metal {Build.}
flat-belt {ind.}
قشاط مبسط {صناعة}
to follow (v.)
to pursue (v.)
to take (v.)
to enter upon (v.)
policy (n.) , {comp.}
نهج {كمبيوتر}