to corn (v.)
ملح أو قدد {اللحم}
İlgili Sonuçlar
to hewn (v.)
to amputate (v.)
to hew (v.)
to cure (v.) , [ cured ; cured ]
to cut off (v.)
to chop off (v.)
to slit (v.)
back lath {Build.}
قدد الظهارة {شرائح خشبية تكسي بها الجدران والسقوف}، {بناء}
to jerk (v.) , {nutr.}
to be nice (v.)
to cure (v.) , [ cured ; cured ]
ملح {الطّعَامَ}
to bloat (v.) , [ bloated ; bloated ]
ملح {سمك}
ملح {الطّعَامَ}
imperative (adj.) , [ more imperative ; most imperative]
insistent (adj.) , [ more insistent ; most insistent]
briny (adj.)
persister (n.) , [pl. persisters]
ملح {الطّعَامَ}