سحل قويم {للثقوب}، {هندسة}
İlgili Sonuçlar
to abrade (v.) , [ abraded ; abraded ]
to peel (v.)
to file (v.)
to plane (v.)
to smooth (v.)
to pare (v.)
to shave off (v.)
to drag along (v.)
milling {med.}
planing {dermabrasion}, {med.}
سَحْل {طب}
to ream (v.)
to carve (v.)
root planing {root curettage}, {med.}
سَحْلُ الجَذْر {كَشْطُ الجَذْر}، {طب}
air abrasion {med.}
سَحْلٌ بالهَواء {المَضْغُوط; أسنان}، {طب}
chemical planing {chemical peeling}, {med.}
سَحْلٌ كيميائي {تَقْشيرٌ كيميائيّ}، {طب}
straightforward (adj.) , [ more straightforward ; most straightforward ]
righteous (adj.) , [ more righteous ; most righteous ]
truthful (adj.) , [ more truthful ; most truthful ]
correct (adj.) , [ more correct ; most correct]
square (adj.)