derogative [ more derogative ; most derogative]
derogatory [ more derogatory ; most derogatory]
İlgili Sonuçlar
to encompass (v.) , [ encompassed ; encompassed ]
to safeguard (v.)
vilifier (n.) , [pl. vilifiers]
to keep (v.)
to look after (v.)
to attend to (v.)
to tend (v.)
to watch over (v.)
to guard (v.) , [ guarded ; guarded ]
to protect (v.) , [ protected ; protected ]
to preserve (v.)
to posit (v.) , {relations}
to hypothesize (v.) , {phil.}
قَدَّرَ {فلسفة}
to rate (v.)
to treasure (v.)
to cherish (v.)
to price (v.)
to esteem (v.)
to estimate (v.) , {econ.}
قَدَّرَ {اقتصاد}