to pull [ pulled ; pulled ]
İlgili Sonuçlar
to unsheathe (v.) , [ unsheathed ; unsheathed ]
Benzer Sonuçlar
to steal (v.) , {relations}, {law}
to loot (v.) , {mil.}
to rob (v.) , {law}
to enjoy (v.) , [ enjoyed ; enjoyed ]
to spoliate (v.) , {law}
to pillage (v.) , {law}
to despoil (v.) , {law}
to cop (v.)
to borrow (v.)
to rifle (v.) , {relations}
to plunder (v.) , {relations}, {law}
to relish (v.)
to find pleasant (v.) , {nice, charming, sweet, pretty}
advance (n.) , [pl. advances]
to necessitate (v.) , [ necessitated ; necessitated ]
استلزم {كَنَتِيجَةٍ إلخ}
storming (n.) , {feelings & emotions}