to turn to [ turned ; turned ]
İlgili Sonuçlar
to incline (v.)
اِتَّجَهَ {إِلَى}
to trend (v.)
to go to (v.)
to set (v.)
to face (v.)
اتجه {إلى}
to proceed along (v.)
اتجه {إلى}
to follow (v.) , {a specified course, action, plan, etc.}
اتجه {إلى}
to head for (v.)
اتجه {إلى}
to bear (v.)
اِتَّجَهَ {إِلَى}
to tend (v.)
اِتَّجَهَ {إِلَى}
to run (v.)
to aim at (v.)
اتجه {إلى}
to be aimed at (v.)
اتجه {إلى}
to tend to (v.)
اتجه {إلى}
to turn one's face to (v.) , {ward}
اتجه {إلى}
to be directed to (v.) , {ward}
اتجه {إلى}
to be oriented to (v.) , {ward}
اتجه {إلى}
to turn to (v.) , {ward}
اتجه {إلى}
to make for (v.)
اتجه {إلى}