two-step verification (n.) , {comp.}
Risultati Correlati
to walk slowly or gradually or step by step (v.) , {go proceed, advance}
to walk slowly or gradually or step by step (v.) , {go proceed, advance}
to advance step by step (v.) , {to}
to advance step by step (v.) , {to}
تدرج {إلى}
verification (n.) , {Legge}
إِظْهار {قانون}
verification (n.) , {relig.}
verification (n.) , [pl. verifications] , {Legge}
برهنة {قانون}
verification (n.) , [pl. verifications]
verification (n.) , [pl. verifications]
verification (n.) , [pl. verifications]
verification (n.) , [pl. verifications] , {educ.}
مراجعة {تعليم}