to surmount [ surmounted ; surmounted ]
تغلب على {الصّعُوباتِ إلخ}
to surmount [ surmounted ; surmounted ]
to surmount [ surmounted ; surmounted ]
to surmount [ surmounted ; surmounted ]
علا {الشّيْءَ أو عَنْهُ أو عَلَيْه}
Risultati Simili
surmounting (n.) , {relations}
surmounting (n.) , {relations}
تَغَلُّبٌ على {الصُّعُوبات إلخ}
surmountable (adj.) , [ more surmountable ; most surmountable]
surmountable (adj.) , [ more surmountable ; most surmountable ]
surmountable (adj.) , [ more surmountable ; most surmountable]
surmountable (adj.) , [ more surmountable ; most surmountable ]