Risultati Correlati
sal {salt}, {chem.}
ملح {كمياء}
pushiest (adj.) , [ pushier ; pushiest ]
to salify (v.) , {chem.}
ملح {كمياء}
urgent (adj.) , [ more urgent ; most urgent ]
to be or become salt (v.) , {y}
to be saline (v.)
pushier (adj.) , [ pushier ; pushiest ]
to be nice (v.)
corned (adj.) , {nutr.}
مُلِّحَ {تغذيه}
pushy (adj.) , [ pushier ; pushiest ]
emergent (adj.)
smelling salt {ammonium carbonate}, {med.}
مِلْحٌ للشَمّ {كربونات الأَمونيزم}، {طب}
to bloat (v.) , [ bloated ; bloated ]
ملح {سمك}
salty (adj.) , {nutr.}
مُلِّحَ {تغذيه}
cured (adj.) , {nutr.}
مُلِّحَ {تغذيه}
salted (adj.) , {nutr.}
مُلِّحَ {تغذيه}
imperative (adj.) , [ more imperative ; most imperative]
insistent (adj.) , [ more insistent ; most insistent]
pertinacious (adj.) , [ more pertinacious ; most pertinacious]
ملح {الطّعَامَ}
to corn (v.)
ملح {الطّعَامَ}
salt (adj.) , [pl. salts] , {nutr.}
ملح [ج. أَمْلاَح] ، {الطَّعَامَ}، {تغذيه}
urger (n.) , [pl. urgers]