euphony (n.) , [pl. euphonies]
Risultati Correlati
songster (n.) , [pl. songsters]
tuneful (adj.) , [ more tuneful ; most tuneful ]
exhilarating (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
delightful (adj.) , [ more delightful ; most delightful]
dulcet (adj.)
vocalist (n.) , [pl. vocalists]
melodic (adj.) , [ more melodic ; most melodic ]
melodious (adj.) , [ more melodious ; most melodious ]
singer (n.) , [pl. singers]
tunable (adj.) , [ more tunable ; most tunable ]
joyous (adj.)
to intonate (v.) , [ intonated ; intonated ]
to hum (v.)
aria (n.) , [pl. arias / arie]
tune (n.) , [pl. tunes]
melody (n.) , [pl. melodies]
to sing (v.)
air (n.)
to chant (v.)