scars [sing. a scar]
scar [pl. scars] , {med.}
ندب {طب}
elegy [pl. elegies] , {sto.}
ندب {تاريخ}
lamentation [pl. lamentations]
ندب {المَيْتِ}
monody {sto.}
ندب {تاريخ}
cicatrix {med.}
نَدَب {طب}
lament {sto.}
نَدْب {تاريخ}
ندب {المَيْتِ}
commissioned {to do or with}
charged {to or with}
entrusted {to or with}
to mourn {for}, [ mourned ; mourned ]
ندب {المَيْتَ}
to bewail [ bewailed ; bewailed ]
ندب {المَيْتَ}
to heal [ healed ; healed ]
to weep {for or over}, [ wept ; wept ]
ندب {المَيْتَ}