Risultati Correlati
to obtest (v.)
to implore (v.)
to humble or humiliate oneself (v.) , {before}
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to pray humbly (v.) , {to God}
to entreat (v.)
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to beg (v.) , [ begged ; begged ]
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invocation (n.) , [pl. invocations]
entreaty (n.) , [pl. entreaties] , {relations}, {relig.}
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supplication (n.) , [pl. supplications] , {relig.}
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to supplicate (v.) , [ supplicated ; supplicated ]
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imploring (n.) , {relig.}
to pray (v.) , {to God}, {relig.}
to invoke (v.) , {God}, [ invoked ; invoked ]
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to beseech (v.) , [ beseeched / besought ; beseeched / besought ]
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