yardage (n.) , [pl. yardages]
Risultati Correlati
yardage (n.) , [pl. yardages]
yards (n.) , [sing. a yard]
yards (n.) , [sing. a yard]
yardage {Civ. Eng.}
to numerate (v.) , [ numerated ; numerated ]
to itemize (v.) , [ itemized ; itemized ]
to recite (v.) , {educ.}
عَدَّدَ {تعليم}
issue (n.) , [pl. issues]
عدد {من مجلة}
to enumerate the merits of (v.) , {the deceased}
عدد {المَيّتَ}
to list (v.)
digit (n.)
to calculate (v.)
counted {off}
to celebrate (v.)
عدد {المَيّتَ}
to praise (v.)
عدد {المَيّتَ}
to eulogize (v.)
عدد {المَيّتَ}
to count (v.) , {off}