shadow [pl. shadows] , {fis.}
ظل [ج. ظِلاَل] ، {فزياء}
shade [pl. shades] , {fis.}
ظل {فزياء}
spirit {sto.}
ظِلّ {تاريخ}
tangent [pl. tangents] , {of angle}, {mat.}
ظل {الزاوية}، {رياضيات}
umbra [pl. umbras / umbrae] , {pl. umbrae}
ghost {sto.}
ظِلّ {تاريخ}
shadowiness [pl. shadowinesses]
umbrage [pl. umbrages]
eidolon {sto.}
ظِلّ {تاريخ}
phantom {sto.}
ظِلّ {تاريخ}
specter {sto.}
ظِلّ {تاريخ}
to stay
to last
to remain [ remained ; remained ]
to continue [ continued ; continued ]
to keep on {doing}
to go on
Risultati Simili
gloominess (n.) , {colours}
despotic (adj.) , [ more despotic ; most despotic]
shades (n.) , [sing. a shade]