to brook [ brooked ; brooked ]
to endure [ endured ; endured ]
to tolerate [ tolerated ; tolerated ]
arch {arch.}
طاق {هندسة}
vault {arch.}
طاق {هندسة}
طاق [ج. طِيْقَان] ، {الحبل}
alcove {Build.}
طاق {بناء}
arcade {arch.}
طاق {هندسة}
Risultati Correlati
lateral enamel strand {lateral dental lamina}, {med.}
طاقُ الميناءِ الوَحْشِيّ {الصَّفيحَةُ السِّنِّيَّةُ الوَحْشْيَّة}، {طب}
Risultati Simili
capacity (n.) , [pl. capacities]
sufficiency (n.) , [pl. sufficiencies]
stamina (n.) , [pl. stamina / stamens]
set (n.) , [pl. sets]
capability (n.) , [pl. capabilities]
energy {med.}
طاقه {طب}
stretch (n.) , [pl. stretches]