challenge [pl. challenges] , {feelings & emotions}
تحد {تَحَدِّي}
تحد {التَّحَدِّي}
dare [pl. dares]
gauntlet [pl. gauntlets]
to defy [ defied ; defied ]
Risultati Correlati
تحدٍ سافر {سياسة}
Risultati Simili
limitation (n.) , {relig.}
تحدد {دين}
to yarn (v.)
to say (v.)
crowning {arch.}
تحدب {هندسة}
to be set (v.)
to treat (v.)
to talk converse (v.) , {with someone about something}
to speak (v.) , {to someone of or about something}, [ spoke / spake ; spoken ]
Tuliping {ind.}
التحدب {صناعة}