to wipe [ wiped ; wiped ]
Risultati Correlati
to squelch (v.) , {relations}
أزال {مع الأفعال}
to squash (v.) , {relations}
to slattern (v.) , {relations}
to disperse (v.) , {relations}
to misspend (v.) , {relations}
to scatter (v.) , {relations}
to take out (v.)
to rub off (v.)
to abrade (v.)
to graze (v.)
to unlade (v.) , [ unladed ; unladen ]
to free (v.)
أزال {العراقيل}
to excise (v.)
to gall (v.)
to unship (v.) , [ unshipped ; unshipped ]
to wipe off (v.)
to rub out (v.)
to detoxify (v.) , [ detoxified ; detoxified ]