harm {relations}
hurt [pl. hurts]
injury [pl. injuries] , {Legge}
أذىً {قانون}
damage [pl. damages] , {relations}
evil {Legge}
أَذًى {قانون}
mischief [pl. mischiefs]
loss {relations}
trauma [pl. traumas / traumata]
offence {feelings & emotions}
prejudice {feelings & emotions}
harms [sing. a harm]
detriment [pl. detriments] , {feelings & emotions}
nuisance [pl. nuisances]
insult [pl. insults]
disservice [pl. disservices]
tort [pl. torts] , {Legge}
أذىً {قانون}
to harm {relations}
to hurt [ hurt ; hurt ]
to damage [ damaged ; damaged ]
to injure {relations}, [ injured ; injured ]
to annoy [ annoyed ; annoyed ]