Résultats connexes
superficial medial artery of foot {ramus superficialis arteriae plantaris medialis}, {Med.}
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to striate (v.) , {shapes}
to striate (v.) , {shapes}
striate (adj.) , {shapes}
to striate (v.)
striate (adj.) , {shapes}
striate arteries {rami striati arteriae cerebri mediae}, {Med.}
الشَّرايينُ المُخَطَّطِيَّة {الفُروعُ المُخَطَّطِيَّةُ لِلْشِّرْيانِ المُخِّيِّ الأَوسَط}، {طب}
striate veins {venae thalamostriatae inferiores}, {Med.}
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medial (adj.)
medial {Med.}