to induct [ inducted ; inducted ]
to induct [ inducted ; inducted ]
to induct [ inducted ; inducted ]
to induct [ inducted ; inducted ]
to induct {Mil.}
جند {جيش}
to induct {into an office}
to induct {into an office}
to induct {into an office}
to induct {Mil.}
طَوَّعَ {الجُنُودَ}، {جيش}
to induct {into an office}
ولى {هُ مَنْصِباً}
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inductee (n.) , [pl. inductees]
inducted (adj.)
مُعَيَّنٌ {في مَنْصِبٍ أو مَرْكَز}
inducted (adj.) , {Écon.}
مدخل {اقتصاد}
induction (n.) , [pl. inductions]
induction (n.) , [pl. inductions] , {electricity}, {Ind.}
حث {كهرباء}، {صناعة}
induction (n.) , [pl. inductions] , {Elec. Eng.}
تأثير {هندسة كهربائية}