Résultats connexes
indeterminate (adj.) , {math.}
غير محدود {رياضيات}
indeterminate (adj.) , {math.}
غير معين {رياضيات}
indeterminate (adj.) , [ more indeterminate ; most indeterminate]
indeterminate (adj.) , [ more indeterminate ; most indeterminate ]
indeterminate (adj.) , [ more indeterminate ; most indeterminate] , {math.}
مبهم {رياضيات}
indeterminate leprosy {borderline leprosy}, {Med.}
جُذامٌ غَيرُ مُعَيَّن {جُذَامٌ بَيْنَ-بَيْنِيّ}، {طب}
to sentence (v.)
to sentence (v.)
to sentence (v.)
حكم قضائيا {لِـ أو على}
sentence (n.) , [pl. sentences]
sentence (n.) , [pl. sentences]
sentence (n.) , [pl. sentences] , {Lang.}
قضاء {لغة}
sentence (n.) , [pl. sentences] , {Droit}
قرار {قانون}
sentence (n.) , [pl. sentences] , {Sport}
حكم {قضائي}، {رياضة}
to sentence (v.)