Get Started {Infor.}
بدء الاستخدام {كمبيوتر}
Résultats connexes
Get started page (n.) , {Infor.}
to be started (v.)
Getting Started (n.) , {Infor.}
بدء الاستخدام {كمبيوتر}
Getting Started pane (n.) , {Infor.}
to get (v.)
to get (v.)
لحق {بِـ}
to get (v.)
to get (v.)
to get (v.)
ظفر {بِـ}
to get up (v.)
to get (v.)
to get up (v.)
to get up (v.)
to get (v.)
to get (v.)
to get (v.)
to get on (v.) , {with}
to get at (v.) , {ultimately}
أل به المطاف إلى {أو انْتَهَى}
to get (v.)
to get on (v.) , {with}