مرحل توصيل {اتصالات}
Résultats connexes
communicative (adj.) , [ more communicative ; most communicative ]
communicative (adj.) , [ more communicative ; most communicative]
communicative (adj.) , [ more communicative ; most communicative]
relay (n.) , {Sport}
بَدِيل {رياضة}
relay (n.) , {Sport}
الأَبْدال {رياضة}
relay (n.) , {Sport}
بَدَائِل {رياضة}
relay {Elec. Eng.}
متابع {هندسة كهربائية}
relay {Arch.}
محرك موازر {هندسة}
to relay (v.)
relay (n.)
relay (n.) , [pl. relays]
relay (n.) , [pl. relays]
relay (n.) , [pl. relays] , {Elec. Eng.}
مرحلة {هندسة كهربائية}
to relay (v.) , [ relaid ; relaid ]
relay (n.) , [pl. relays]
relay (n.) , [pl. relays]
relay (n.) , [pl. relays] , {Ind.}
مرحل {صناعة}
relay (n.) , [pl. relays]
relay {Auto.}
to relay (v.)