amorphous wax {Chem.}
Résultats connexes
amorphous {Chem.}
لا شكلي {كمياء}
amorphous {Chem.}
غير متبلر {كمياء}
amorphous (adj.) , [ more amorphous ; most amorphous]
amorphous (adj.) , {shapes}, [ more amorphous ; most amorphous] , {Chem.}
غير متبلور {كمياء}
amorphous (adj.) , [ more amorphous ; most amorphous]
amorphous (adj.) , [ more amorphous ; most amorphous ]
amorphous phosphorus {red phosphorus}, {Med.}
فُسْفُورٌ عَديمُ الشَّكْل {فُسفور أحْمَر}، {طب}
to wax (v.)
to wax (v.)
wax (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
to wax (v.)
to wax (v.)
to wax (v.)
to wax (v.)
to wax (v.)
wax (n.) , [pl. waxes]
wax (n.) , [pl. waxes] , {Biol.}
شمع {أحياء}
to wax (v.)