isodispersoid {isocolloid}, {Med.}
وَسَطُ تَبَعْثُرٍ مُتَسَاوٍ {غَرَوانِيٌّ مُتَسَاوٍ}، {طب}
Résultats connexes
proportional (adj.) , {Compta.}
مُتَسَاوٍ {محاسبة}
متساو {المُتَسَاوِي}
proportionate (adj.) , {Compta.}
مُتَسَاوٍ {محاسبة}
متساو {المُتَسَاوِي}
similar (adj.) , [ more similar ; most similar]
متساوٍ {المُتَسَاوِي}
commensurable (adj.) , {weights & measures}
uniform (adj.) , [ more uniform ; most uniform ]
commensurate (adj.) , {weights & measures}, [ more commensurate ; most commensurate]
equal (adj.) , [ more equal ; most equal]
متساوٍ {المُتَسَاوِي}
even (adj.) , [ more even ; most even]
متساوٍ {المُتَسَاوِي}
to be scattered (v.) , {about}
to scatter (v.) , [ scattered ; scattered ]
dispersal (n.) , [pl. dispersals]