to convert (v.) , [ converted ; converted ]
Résultats connexes
to fade away (v.)
to compose (v.) , [ composed ; composed ]
to placate (v.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ placated ; placated ]
to quell (v.)
to salve (v.)
to abate (v.)
to let up (v.)
to satisfy (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
calm {feelings & emotions}
to ease (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to snug (v.) , {relations}
to rest (v.) , {relations}
to defuse (v.) , [ defused ; defused ]
to die away (v.)
to cool off (v.)
to subside (v.) , [ subsided ; subsided ]
to soothe (v.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ soothed ; soothed ] , {Med.}
هدأ {طب}
to dulcify (v.) , [ dulcified ; dulcified ]
to moderate (v.)
to settle at (v.) , {down}
to stop (v.)
to cease (v.)
to mollify (v.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ mollified ; mollified ]
to repose (v.) , {relations}