snowflakes {Meteor.}
Résultats connexes
to eclipse (v.) , [pl. eclipses] , {Astron.}
كسف {فضاء وعلوم طيران}
to outshine (v.) , [ outshone / outshined ; outshone / outshined ]
to overshadow (v.)
snowstorm (n.) , [pl. snowstorms] , {Meteor.}
nivation {Geol.}
تعرية ثلجية {جيولوجيا}
pancake coil {Elec. Eng.}
رقاقة ثلجية {هندسة كهربائية}
تعرية ثلجية {جيولوجيا}
snow flurry {Meteor.}
ice storm {Meteor.}
snowstorm (n.) , [pl. snowstorms]
snowcaps (n.) , [sing. a snowcap]
snowcap (n.) , [pl. snowcaps]
snow banks (n.) , [sing. a snow bank]
icebergs (n.) , [sing. an iceberg]
hailstorms (n.) , [sing. a hailstorm]
hailstorm (n.) , [pl. hailstorms]
blizzard (n.) , [pl. blizzards] , {Meteor.}
snow crystal {Agr.}
blizzard (n.) , [pl. blizzards]
snowflake schema (n.) , {Infor.}