to howl {sounds}, [ howled ; howled ]
عوى {الكَلْبُ, الذّئْبُ, اِبْنُ آوَى}
to yowl {sounds}
عوى {الكَلْبُ, الذّئْبُ, اِبْنُ آوَى}
to ululate [ ululated ; ululated ]
to yelp {sounds}, [ yelped ; yelped ]
عوى {الكَلْبُ, الذّئْبُ, اِبْنُ آوَى}
to yip [ yipped ; yipped ]
to bay
Résultats similaires
yowl (n.) , [pl. yowls]
uncertain (adj.) , [ more uncertain ; most uncertain]
wails (n.) , [sing. a wail]
incomprehensible (adj.) , [ more incomprehensible ; most incomprehensible]
complex (adj.) , [ more complex ; most complex]
moan (n.) , [pl. moans]
intricate (adj.) , [ more intricate ; most intricate ]
wail (n.) , [pl. wails] , {ing}
vexed (adj.) , [ more vexed ; most vexed ]
ululation (n.) , [pl. ululations]
vague (adj.) , [ vaguer ; vaguest]