to refer [ referred ; referred ]
to trace to {back}
charge with {Écon.}
عَزَا {اقتصاد}
Résultats connexes
to ascribe (v.) , [ ascribed ; ascribed ]
to attribute (v.) , [ attributed ; attributed ]
to impute (v.) , [ imputed ; imputed ]
to refer (v.) , [ referred ; referred ]
to restitute (v.) , {Droit}
to restore (v.) , {Ind.}
to ascribe (v.)
to attribute (v.)
to trace to (v.) , {back}
Résultats similaires
celibates (n.) , [sing. a celibate]
to solace (v.)
bereavement {Med.}
عَزاء {طب}
to comfort (v.)
comfort (n.) , [pl. comforts]