Résultats connexes
to elutriate (v.)
to exude (v.)
to percolate (v.)
to infiltrate (v.)
to be refined (v.)
to solve (v.)
صفى {دينا}
to sieve (v.)
to settle (v.)
to rectify (v.)
to drain (v.)
to strain (v.)
to distill (v.)
to drop (v.)
صفى {فَرِيقاً رِيَاضِيّاً إلخ}
to eliminate (v.)
صفى {فَرِيقاً رِيَاضِيّاً إلخ}
to dissolve (v.)
صفى {شَرِكَةً إلخ}
to drain liquid from (v.) , {draw off, remove, pour off}
to fine (v.)
to screen (v.)
to decant (v.) , {Chem.}
صفى {كمياء}
to rid (v.)
to clarify (v.) , [ clarified ; clarified ] , {Ind.}
صفى {صناعة}
to clear (v.) , {up}, [ cleared ; cleared ]
to defecate (v.) , [ defecated ; defecated ]